Cancer by Type

Cancers may be categorized based on the functions/locations of the cells from which they originate. The following terms are commonly used to categorize tumors by their tissue (cell type) of origin.

  • CarcinomaCancer of epithelial cells, the cells that cover the outside and inside of body surfaces. This is the most common form of cancer.: a tumor derived from epithelialA type of tissue (epithelium) that covers our exposed surfaces, such as skin. Also lines our hollow or tube-like organs/tissues such as the digestive tract. Since these tissues are often exposed to environmental insults such as chemicals and solar radiation and are often divide rapidly to replace lost cells, many cancers arise in epithelial tissues. cells, those cells that line the surface of our skin and organs.1Our digestive tract and airways are also lined with epithelial cells. This is the most common cancer type and represents about 80-90% of all cancer cases reported.
  • SarcomaA malignant cancer that originates in bone, muscle or connective tissues.a tumor derived from muscle, bone, cartilage, fat or connective tissues.1
  • LeukemiaA cancer affecting the cells that develop into white or red blood cells. Both of these cell types originate from stem cells in bone marrow. Red blood cells function to carry oxygen to our tissues and the white cells (leukocytes) are part of our immune system. The cancerous cells often accumulate in the blood.: a cancer derived from white blood cells or their precursors. The cells that form both white and red blood cells are located in the bone marrow.1
  • LymphomaA cancer arising in the lymphatic system. The white blood cells affected are part of the body's immune system. The lymphatic system is a large network of vessels that carry fluid and cells of the immune system around the body. Lymph nodes are regional collection centers in the lymphatic system. See also, 'lymphatic system'.: a cancer of bone marrow derived cells that affects the lymphatic system.1
  • Myeloma: a cancer involving the white blood cells responsible for the production of antibodiesAntibodies are proteins produced by a type of white blood cell (B cells or B lymphocytes). Antibodies are able to stick very tightly to specific targets. Antibodies are currently being used as anti-cancer drugs (i.e. Herceptin). (B lymphocytes or B-cells).1

Cancer affects millions of people every year. The National Cancer Institute provides current statistics on cancer cases and cancer deaths across the United States.

Watch an video to learn about cancer cases in the U.S. (from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Check out U.S. cancer statistics.

This section contains information detailing cancers by type. As our focus is on the biology of the cancers and their treatments, we do not give detailed treatment guidelines. Instead, we link to organizations in the U.S. that generate the treatment guidelines.

Learn more about cancer from the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University.

  • 1.a. b. c. d. e. National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health."National Cancer Institute Dictionary of Cancer Terms."CreateSpace, 2008.